WELL COLLECTIVE IS A COMMUNITY OF WORSHIP ARTISTS committed to co-creating a worship culture that draws the church into the presence of God, unified in worship through honest, authentic songs executed with musical excellence. We believe that communal worship fundamentally shapes who we are and how we engage with God’s activity in the world. It is our prayer that these communal songs of hope, lament, redemption and reconciliation would pull you closer to the infinite God who loves you endlessly.

The worship artists of Well Collective

Taylor Begert
I’m Taylor, a Los Angeles based worship artist. I long to see God’s people deeply connected to and transformed by the Holy Spirit in worship. Music as a language of worship has a unique power to guide the hurting, rejoicing and questioning toward God. Worship through music breaks through our traditions and theological walls to bring us all to the throne room of God, as one united people. I started Well Collective to deepen the experience of worship in the local church through honest lyrics, musical excellence, and by facilitating deep encounters with the Living God. I hope our songs help you connect with God with more honesty than ever before, and I hope our leaders draw your community into deep connection with the One who created you, and loves you endlessly.
Alexa Shafer

My name is Alexa, and it is a passion of mine to encounter the Living God through music. Throughout the Old Testament, the Israelites used a “timbrel,” a percussion instrument used to ward off evil, to dance and celebrate. Drums have become my version of a “timbrel;" the means in which I create an authentic space for people to ward off their own darkness and rejoice in God’s victories. In all seasons, drumming is the way in which I grieve and lament, contemplate, admire, and praise God. What brings me most joy is when my passion for music meets my love for youth. My heart longs to see young adults fall in love with the people God created them to be. I pray these songs give youth an outlet to do just that.
Wilson Howard

Greetings! My name is Wilson Howard and I am a worship artist living in Los Angeles! My heart is to help people have real and life-changing encounters with Jesus through music. For me, that means creating and leading songs about the unrelenting love God has shown us through the Son and the incredible invitation He offers: to forsake death in exchange for life and life to the full. The Kingdom of God has already been advancing on Earth right under our noses, and it is my delight to join the body of Christ in singing this good news!
Jacob Williams

As a musician, audio engineer, and record producer my greatest desire is to bring the sounds of heaven to earth. I strive to create music built on the foundation of worship, recognizing the invitation to interact with the living God through a unique medium that transcends language and conveys truth. As an engineer, I get to be a part of the rearranging of chaos into heavenly sounds and see this as a symbiotic relationship: When we are worshipful in a performance, what gets captured in a recording, perceived by an audience, or absorbed by our own ears is genuine and pure. Creating in this way is my response to God, and my effort to glorify Him through music.
Anneleise Graf

From a young age I remember being drawn to the ministry of musical worship. Worship is where I have consistently found freedom from myself, where I feel most fully known, loved and whole. I am passionate about creating spaces for others to experience the magnitude of God’s freedom and love through intentional hospitality of the Holy Spirit. My heart’s cry is to co-create with the Father, to cultivate authentic and transformative worship, and to deepen the Church’s love for Christ, each other and their communities.
Brody Worrell

Hi, I’m Brody! I live in Los Angeles with my beautiful wife, Elysee and our dog, Phoebe. Music worship has been a huge part of my life. I started playing guitar and leading worship at 10 years old and have been leading ever since. Over the years, I have seen God work and move in powerful ways, far beyond anything I could’ve ever done on my own. Worship has always provided me such a sweet and sacred space to be open and free and hear from the Spirit. So, I want my leading to always create an environment that allows others to experience that openness and Spirit-filled freedom in worship. God is so beyond-worthy of our praise and I’m grateful that I get to use my voice and playing as a response to His goodness.
Brianna Ibarra Galbreath

My name is Brianna, and I’m a worship artist from Los Angeles. Some of my earliest memories were expressing myself through music on the piano, telling stories and truths. In hindsight, I remember those moments where I felt in total communion with my Creator, a moment in between time, in complete intimacy in ways that words alone couldn’t do. To be in co-creation with the Lord is to make space for the truest of our being, the self that the Lord knows intimately, that we can access in communal or private worship. I long to create these spaces with others, and use instruments of creativity (for me, voice, piano, guitar or bass) to access worshipful, glorifying music. For me, leading worship is more than facilitating songs of praise, but setting the table for others to freely express the full range of joy, lament, praise and the Mystery of it all.
Noah Dearborn

My name is Noah and I am a worship artist active in the Los Angeles area. I grew up playing drums and percussion in many settings but found my true passion for leading others in meaningful worship while I was a student at Pepperdine University. The opportunity to worship with others is something I find truly inspiring, as it is a unique communal opportunity to do exactly what we were created to do. Scripture tells us that “the hand of the Lord is mighty and extraordinarily powerful” (Joshua 4:24), and I seek to ascribe that power and honor to our God in my playing. I strive to lead with the passion and conviction that comes with knowledge that we serve a living God.
Jordan Seah

Guitar is an extension of my voice, a means in which I worship God. In essence, I sing through steel strings. When I worship through guitar, my hope is not just to play impactful guitar parts with excellence, but also to communicate a message of worship beyond words that connects the congregation with the infinite, living God. As an audio engineer, my hope is to create a mix rich in sonic atmosphere, enabling people to have an intimate conversation with God. For me, worship is a visceral experience; fully investing in my greatest gifts is deeply fulfilling in a way I can only describe through actually playing my instrument.
Zale Lockwood

Worship to me is a molding of Faith and Reason. My gift is throwing the paint of a situation against my mental canvas, seeing if it melds, strips the original painting, or if something else interesting happens.
Tolkien propagated an idea he called “sub-creation”. The idea that while humanity is fallen and disgraced, it still has a relationship with its creator, and that one aspect of that relationship is to emulate that creator in its own lesser acts of creation.
To me, audio mixing is a sacred duty in which I am responsible for the sub-creations of my fellow humans. If their divine inspiration is refracted light, that is White light splintered into many hues, then it is my duty to focus the fragmented lights and distill them into stained glass for others to witness the duality of our sub-creation, and His creation.